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Tag: 8. Februar 2019

Tag: 8. Februar 2019

Beitrag: Verfechter go Georgia - Part 3 - Kintrishi

Verfechter go Georgia – Part 3

One of the greatest assets of the travel destination Georgia is its variety in landscape, culture and climate. Georgia is so small, you easily can cross it within one day, nevertheless you experience all forms of nature. Huge glaciers dominate the northern ranges in Svaneti and Tusheti, formidable wines are produced in hilly Kakheti, more to the East hot dry deserts border with Azerbaidshan. On the Black Sea coast instead, the hot and very humid climate makes you feel in the Tropics. Experts say that the south-western republic of Adjara hosts the best valleys for steep creeking. As raining season peaks in winter and early spring, this is the time to find epic water levels in the lush green jungle of Adjara. We make the journey over the spectacular 2024 meter high Goderzi pass anyway, knowing that we can hop to Turkish Kackar mountains for some days if water proves to be low.
